Canadian Cigar Labelling

Health Canada’s Tobacco Products Appearance, Packaging, and Labelling Regulations (TPAPLR) for Cigars

In August 2023, Health Canada introduced the Tobacco Products Appearance, Packaging and Labelling Regulations (TPAPLR), which consolidate all packaging and labeling requirements for tobacco products, including cigars, under one comprehensive regulation. This new regulation amends the former Tobacco Products Regulations (Plain and Standardized Appearance) (2019) and repeals the Tobacco Products Information Regulations (TPIR) (2000) and the Tobacco Products Labelling Regulations (Cigarettes and Little Cigars) (TPLR-CLC) (2011).

Background on Cigar Labeling Requirements

Graphic labeling requirements for tobacco products, including cigars, were first implemented in 2000 to raise awareness of the health risks associated with tobacco use. These labels featured striking images and clear, credible messages. In 2011, these requirements were strengthened for cigars (under the repealed TPLR-CLC) to include:

  • Graphic health warnings that covered 75% of the front and back of cigar packages, including a pan-Canadian quitline number and web address.
  • Health information messages with enhanced color presentation.
  • Easy-to-understand toxicity information (previously referred to as “toxic emissions statements”).

Key Features of the TPAPLR for Cigars

The TPAPLR builds upon previous regulations by mandating comprehensive health-related messaging on all cigar packaging in the Canadian retail market. The goal is to inform the public about the health risks associated with cigar use and to prevent misleading information. Key requirements for cigar packaging under the TPAPLR include:

  1. Health Warnings on Cigar Packaging:
    Health warnings are required on the exterior surfaces of all cigar packages, focusing on the health risks of cigar smoking. These warnings include a toll-free, pan-Canadian quitline number and a web address for cessation services. To maintain their effectiveness, the TPAPLR mandates alternating between two series of health warnings every two to three years, depending on the product type.
  2. Health Information Messages:
    Inside cigar packages, health information messages emphasize the benefits of quitting smoking and provide practical tips to help individuals quit. The TPAPLR requires alternating two series of these messages every two years to keep the content impactful and engaging.
  3. Toxicity Information:
    All cigar packaging must display short messages about the toxic chemicals present in cigar smoke. These messages aim to educate consumers about the health impacts of these toxins. Similar to other messages, the TPAPLR mandates alternating two series of toxicity information messages every two to three years to maintain their visibility and impact.
  4. Health Warnings on Individual Little Cigars with Tipping Paper:
    Health warnings are also required directly on individual little cigars that have tipping paper. These warnings help raise awareness of the dangers of cigar smoke, particularly for youth who may encounter these products in social situations without seeing the packaging. The TPAPLR mandates alternating two series of these health warnings every two years to ensure continued visibility and effectiveness.